Monday, July 14, 2014

Teachers Write #2 - You Can Write!

What struck me about today's lesson is that I am the only one who can give myself permission to write even if

For me, and I suspect for my students, this fear is enough to shut down the entire process. I often get on my soapbox and use the sports analogy - we don't get better at anything without practice. My own children have been the recipients of this speech. But perseverance really does pay off. Annabelle, my six-year-old, is obsessed with standing on her head. She has tried for months, each time staying up a little longer, and finally for several seconds (which seem like forever to her.) My head stand is writing. So I'm going to keep practicing, writing a little bit as often as I can until it's a habit, not a challenge. 
Here is my response to today's lesson:
I did not get to participate last week so I’m jumping in today. On a recent trip to our local botanical garden, my six-year-old, Annabelle, gave me an idea for a children’s book. This idea has come to me at least once a day, gnawing at me to work with her to develop the story, even if for our own entertainment. Now, I believe, it could be something more and I’m excited and scared about the possibility. So, of course, my dedication would be to Annabelle, the sweetest, smartest, silliest six-year-old I know. My life would be so boring without her and her four-year-old sister, Caroline, and I would not even know it!

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